Thursday, March 6, 2008

End of Roadshow!

The A:S.A.P 4 Children team is proud to announce that we’ve completed our roadshows to the five kindergartens in Petaling Jaya. In total, we’ve met and performed our educational sketch on child safety to

243 kindergarteners aged 3-6.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the kindergarteners and the teachers for welcoming us into their kindergartens.

  • Taska Dazzle
  • Taska Oranges & Lemon
  • Cambridge Kids,USJ
  • Taska Sri Medan Bistari
  • Tadika Methodist

Thank you and we’ll see you again when we pass you the free copies of Stranger Danger in April!

Watch out for the pictures from the roadshows in the next post!

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